IIIEYE ASTRO Hindi/तिसरी आंख एस्ट्रो BLOG
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कोनसा लगन्न Which lagn ascendant I belongs to . By knowing your lagna  you can know For me which planet is Good or Bad, Benifieshery or melific at glance you can Judge your Horoscope. I will explain you for each lagna in the New post series.


When you take birth that time you are standing or you are taking birth at a particular place on the earth according to longitude and latitude of that place now you are a part of energy of five elements and old planet also has a energy of five elements each element energy is being either is pulled or extractive the type of energy is being heated or according to the place of your nakshatra in which the positions of moon is there that will affect to your nature your type of a body structure fees and inner angry or cool everything is being decided by the energy and the placement of the planet type it has the same is being reflected in your lagna 

so each human being whenever he takes birth on the earth is being affected from the second from the moment he is taking or starting breathing from that point of view the life of human being stars and the mahadasha of a particular planet or particular nakshatra in which the Chandra is there that nakshatra lord is being is the mahadasha load and it carries on further up to the calculation of hundred twenty years


Human being taking birth at a particular place in the position of moon  . That time out of 12 zodiac one is rising in the east , That becomes his lagna.

एक टिप्पणी भेजें


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